Action A.2

Setting up a Coordination Committee to develop the network of conservation activities for the Apennine Chamois

The objective of the "Permanent Coordination Committee for the Conservation of Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata" is to develop a network of conservation activities. It is a fundamental moment in shared planning, set up by the Technical Table for the Apennine Chamois, convened by the Ministry for the Environment. It will hold periodic meetings, at least every six months during the project to assure the project is carried to its end. The Committee will not only play an administrative and decisional coordination role, but also, and especially, an operative one, creating a reference point for all of Italy and for all the protection activities for this species, ensuring that the Action Plan has been carried out correctly. It will attempt to define shared conservation actions, essential for the protection of both the already established sub-populations and the newly-formed ones being consolidated. The information will be put on line through the setting up of a geo-referenced database of the nuclei, the areales and information from the animals' radio-collars, accessible on the project website, subject to a special access authorization.