Action A.4


Drawing up the protocol for the capture and adaptation to new specimen selection areas

Preparatory actions will be established to carry out action C.1 concerning the specimen capture to create new nuclei in the Monti Sibillini National Park and the Sirente Velino Regional Park, and for the special surveillance foreseen in action C.2 in the Abruzzo, Latium and Molise National Park. The protocols forecast the operative models to be adopted for the different capturing techniques, the reasons for the choice of the different techniques, the advantages and disadvantages for each method based on scientific literature and past technical experiences. The operative effectiveness of the protocol will be implemented by;

- individuating the most suitable capture techniques for the Apennine chamois, taking into account reducing the use of pharmacologicals, minimizing the stress levels, and considering the animal’s well-being;

- experimenting with capture techniques identified as ideal for new specimen selection areas. The use of auricular tags and radio-collars to optimize monitoring the target groups, as well as through serological and parasitological analyses in order to evaluate the state of health of the nuclei involved, will result in procedures applicable to new capture conditions, as well as information essential for checking the nuclei for the activities forecasted in C.1.